Survey India

And the lights are on...

  • Sick and Tired of getting information irrelevant to you?
    A search at any of the popular search engines brings up a myriad of information, things which can ever take place in India in a long time to come.
  • Sick and Tired at 33.6 Kbps?
    When USA is now talking about cable modems at speeds of 128 Kbps for the average Internet user, India sitll rambles at a measly 33.6 Kbps (But, what we are promised is not what we get anyways).

    The truth: Internet can touch your life in a million ways, enhance it.

    BUT, do you know what you want?
    Do service providers know what we Indians want?

    Worldwide, country specific surveys have been done. And in our country especially, with its cross-cultural dimensions and mix, such a research to gain an insight into the persona and activities of the Indian Internet users, assumes prime importance. BUT, no such survey has been carried out for Indians. How can Companies deliver if they don't know what we want?

    Survey India - A forum for voicing our opinion, who we are, want we want...
    A first step is the first of its kind survey of Global Indian Internet Users (including NRIs).

    The results of this survey (and all the forthcoming ones) are going to made PUBLIC here on Survey India. Survey India is a constant endeavour for us Indians to voice our opinion.

    And thus, tomorrow, we just might get what we want.

    EVERY opinion counts. Voice your opinion!

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    Last Modified: May 27, 1998URL:
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